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Monitor.TryEnter, lock, using, and Deadlock

Tuesday 23 March, 2004, 10:57 PM

I have issues with the lock keyword in C#. It is designed to make writing thread-safe code easier, but I never use it in production code.

In case you're not familiar with it, lock is just shorthand - the following code:

lock (obj)
    ... do something with shared state ...

is expanded by the compiler into this:

    ... do something with shared state ...

The reason lock does this is that it's vitally important for any call to Monitor.Enter to be balanced out with a call to Monitor.Exit. If you ever forget to do this, your code will acquire a monitor that it never releases, which is likely to bring your program to a grinding halt pretty promptly. Putting the Monitor.Exit in a finally block is a good way of ensuring that it is called, and the lock keyword is a convenient way of doing this. And that's a good thing - it standardises a good practice, removes clutter from your source code, and makes for an instantly recognizable idiom. (It's obvious when you look at a lock block that something is being done while in possession of a monitor. That's not quite so immediately apparent from the expanded version; it's a small difference but small things like this make a surprising improvement to how quickly you can understand the code you are looking at.) This isn't the part I have a problem with.

The problem I have with lock is that it calls Monitor.Enter instead of Monitor.TryEnter.

What's wrong with Monitor.Enter? The problem is that it will block indefinitely if the monitor is unavailable. I avoid writing production code that calls APIs which might block forever, because if you hit a deadlock scenario, you'll never recover. And even though you will normally want to design your code in such a way as to avoid deadlock, it's still best to be able to at least detect it if it should occur. (Ideally you want to be robust enough to recover from it too.)

The solution to this is to use Monitor.TryEnter instead - this allows you to pass in a timeout, specifying how long you're prepared to wait. The right timeout will depend on your application, but you will normally be able to pick a timeout which, if exceeded, is clear evidence of deadlock. Most of the time I use something on the order of 10 seconds - I normally try to hold locks for no more than a few statements, so if one has been unavailable for 10 seconds, then things are clearly very badly wrong.

Unfortunately, because lock uses Monitor.Enter instead of Monitor.TryEnter, you can't use lock blocks with a timeout. And it's understandable - you have to add a block for the failure case, and it's not clear where that would go. Look at this example:

if (!Monitor.TryEnter(obj, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
    throw new ApplicationException("Timeout waiting for lock");
    ... do something with shared state ...

There's some error handling code in that if block which has nowhere to go if you use lock. I suppose Microsoft could have added a second block. After all, if statements support two blocks - one after the if and one after the else. A similar construct for locks would have been possible for them to add. For example, they could have done something like iflock and then an else block for the case where the lock couldn't be acquired, but no such thing exists in practice.

However, it's not that much of a problem. There's a trick I've been using for a while which gives you much the same effect, but googling just now I didn't find any examples of this technique on the net, so I thought I'd write about it here.

The main problems with the example above are that it's a bit verbose in comparison with using the lock keyword, and it embeds the timeout throughout the code, which makes it awkward if you decide you want to change it. (And even if you don't think you will, these timeouts clutter the code.)

The approach I use is a variant on a popular technique with IDisposable and using, which in turn is modelled on the good old Resource Acquisition is Initialization C++ idiom. The idea is to rely on the compiler's ability to free up objects when variables go out of scope. In C++ you can use destructors to do this, but of course C# destructors aren't scope-based - they are finalizers in disguise. But C# does let you use a using statement to call an object's Dispose method at the end of a scope, which we can exploit in the same way as we can exploit a C++ destructor.

This example shows the technique [update - now with improvements thanks to Eric Gunnerson]:

using System;
using System.Threading;

// Thanks to Eric Gunnerson for recommending this be a struct rather
// than a class - avoids a heap allocation.
// (In Debug mode, we make it a class so that we can add a finalizer
// in order to detect when the object is not freed.)
// Thanks to Chance Gillespie and Jocelyn Coulmance for pointing out
// the bugs that then crept in when I changed it to use struct...

public class TimedLock : IDisposable
public struct TimedLock : IDisposable
    public static TimedLock Lock (object o)
        return Lock (o, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10));

    public static TimedLock Lock (object o, TimeSpan timeout)
        TimedLock tl = new TimedLock (o);
        if (!Monitor.TryEnter (o, timeout))
            throw new LockTimeoutException ();

        return tl;

    private TimedLock (object o)
        target = o;
    private object target;

    public void Dispose ()
        Monitor.Exit (target);

        // It's a bad error if someone forgets to call Dispose,
        // so in Debug builds, we put a finalizer in to detect
        // the error. If Dispose is called, we suppress the
        // finalizer.

        // If this finalizer runs, someone somewhere failed to
        // call Dispose, which means we've failed to leave
        // a monitor!
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Undisposed lock");

public class LockTimeoutException : Exception
    public LockTimeoutException () : base("Timeout waiting for lock")

The TimedLock.Lock method can be called to lock an object. It returns an object that implements IDisposable. (As it happens, this is an instance of the TimedLock class, but it doesn't really matter what it is - a private nested class could also have been used.) Now we can write code like this:

using (TimedLock.Lock(obj))

This is a very similar usage model to using the lock keyword - we rely on a compiler-generated finally block to call Monitor.Exit. It's just a bit less direct - the generated block calls Dispose on the TimedLock, which in turn calls Monitor.Exit. But now, if the monitor cannot be acquired (e.g., because of a deadlock) the code will throw an exception after ten seconds instead of blocking for ever. We get pretty close to the succinctness of the lock keyword, but we get to use Monitor.TryEnter.

[Update: Eric Gunnerson has posted a response to this in his blog. He points out that you can improve this slightly by making TimedLock a struct. This avoids a heap allocation. If making this change it's also important to make the Dispose method public, as otherwise, the struct will get boxed when IDisposable.Dispose is called. I have updated the code in this blog in accordance with his recommendations.]

[Update 2: Apparently I didn't look hard enough. Dimitri Glazkov posted a very similar example in his blog recently which I failed to find when googling!]

[Update 3: Chance Gillespie pointed out that if an exception is thrown, the TimedLock won't get disposed, so in Debug builds you'll get an assertion further down the line. So I modified the code to suppress finalization if the lock acquisition fails. Jocelyn Coulmance also pointed out that I hadn't quite got the struct version correct - I was still returning IDisposable, which would result in the TimedLock struct getting boxed, defeating the whole point of using a struct in the first place!]

[Update 4: See more recent entries: ReaderWriterLock vs Monitor and Oh No! Not the TimedLock Again!]

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